The main responsibilities of the division is to provide administrative support such as Human Resources Management, Training and Development, Financial Management, Internal Audit and Auxiliary Services to the Ministry.


Sub-Division: Auxiliary Services

The Sub-Division is responsible to oversee procurement, maintenance of movable and immovable assets, communication management and record management. This includes procurement planning, the generation of purchase orders, conduct annual stock taking, fleet management, verification of invoices for payment, managing of registry and implement the electronic documents system.


Sub-Division: Human Resources Management


The Sub-Division is responsible to oversee management of human resources in line with the relevant staff rules and legislative framework. This includes the updating of personal file, leave management, benefits, medical aid, and misconduct and implement the performance management system.


Sub-Division: Training and Development

The Sub-Division is responsible for the conducting of training needs analysis, compiling of the ministerial training plan, coordinate activities of the Ministerial Training Committee and induct newly appointed staff members.


Sub-Division: Finance


The Sub-Division manages financial resources allocated to the Ministry and is responsible for the compilation of the various budget(s), report on monthly expenditure, oversee budget(s) execution in line with the finance legislative framework. In addition, the sub-division processes salary advices, daily subsistence allowance, creditor payments, overtime and leave gratuity.


Office: Internal Audit

The office of the internal auditor is responsible to oversee that internal controls are implemented for financial management and develop and manage a risk framework. This includes conducting of routine financial and administration audits, conduct follow-up audits on recommendations from the Auditor General.


Deputy Director: General Services

Ms. Elizabeth Swartz
Deputy Director: Tel +264-61-205 3020